Redmond Construction Company is a commercial general contractor with self perform capabilities in commercial/industrial concrete & general trades. Our current bid limit is Unlimited within the state of Alabama. Redmond Construction is concentrating all work currently in the Huntsville market, but will consider opportunities around North Alabama.

Redmond Construction Company is a certified minority owned contractor.  The minority owned business certification is from the Alabama Department of Economic and Community Affairs and the Alabama Department of Transportation.

At Redmond Construction Company, our mission is to serve the Huntsville area by delivering the safest work practices, the highest quality construction, and professional services. We are commited to excellence, integrity, and innovation, ensuring every project meets the highest standards and exceeds our client’s expectations.



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Recent statistics show that one in every five private industry deaths are in the construction field making it one of the most dangerous work environments.  Our team works in such a way that all parties can go home to their families everyday.

Safety is something that happens between your ears, not something that you hold in your hand.
— Jeff Cooper




Our team works to provide clients with quality work as defined by the drawings and specifications.  We pride ourselves to deliver the highest quality service from preconstruction to closeout.   

Perfection is not attainable, but if we chase perfection we can catch excellence.
— Vince Lombardi





Our team focuses on respect throughout the construction process.   We respect the owner for the opportunity to work.  We respect other contractors for coordination through the inevitable problem solving and coordination process.  Redmond Construction respects its employees for the time and effort that they put in for successfully completing a project.

Make improvements, not excuses. Seek respect, not attention.
— Roy T. Bennett